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Kari's final swim day 56.jpg

Swim Facts

Total # of swims/outings: 84


Longest distance of any one swim:


11 miles. Turner Falls Dam to Sunderland. That swim only took 2 hours and 8 mins due to a river assist resulting from water released from the dam a few hours prior to the swim start. 


Longest duration of any one swim:


3 hrs 50 mins; 10.9 mile swim: Bloomfield Access to Maidstone Bridge Access (swimming in a drysuit)


Longest duration total of two swims back-to-back:


6 hrs 10 mins. The Bloomfield Access to Maidstone Bridge Access swim (swam in drysuit) on Saturday, followed by Sunday’s swim: Johns River Ramp to Gilman Boat Launch (including a portage, also swam in the drysuit).


Coldest swim: 


~47.5 F. Route2 Bridge, Lancaster, NH to Mount Orne Covered Bridge, Lunenburg, VT on April 29, 2023.


Frequent Questions & Answers:


Q: How did you get around the dams?


A: Kari followed the safety signs around the dams, swam as far as she could above the dam, and then hiked or biked around the dams until she could safely re-enter the water again below the dams. You can learn more about how hydropower affects the Connecticut River, and the current hydropower relicensing process.


Q: What about CSO’s/sewage in the river?


Kari used Connecticut River Conservancy’s water quality database to track water safety in the areas she intended to swim, and avoided certain sections of the river during/shortly after rain events. Kari did not swim during any flood conditions when stormwater runoff would have put her safety at risk, and at which times sewage in the river is of highest concern.


Over the last 50 years water quality in the Connecticut River has improved tremendously and the river is very often safe enough for swimming, boating and fishing. However, combined Sewer Overflows (CSO’s) are an issue in some parts of the river during heavy rain or flood events when sewage contaminants are released into the river. This is a result of outdated infrastructure where Connecticut River Conservancy is advocating for funding to make improvements. 

Made with love by DC 💙

All rights reserved by Kari Kastango

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